Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Inspired by Julie's Myspace poem.Because i too, have no life and browse blogs always

If bagels were elegant,
and cassette tapes were anti- war movements,

If windows were plexi-glass;
and rain were merely available with an "on" or "Off" switch,

If coffee were an aphrodesiac and the breeze a pulse,
one coould be enough to satisfy.

If ashes were a comfortable carpet,
and tracks rested imobile enough to follow,

If beer was a bitter birthday.
socks could be enough for public and vocabulary un-nesscary.

If pictures were and could be,
lust could flatter waist bands.

1 comment:

Mike Young said...

O this is beautiful. So many good lines. "If coffee were an aphrodisiac and the breeze a pulse," + "If beer was a bitter birthday. / socks could be enough for public and vocabulary un-necessary."

The ending, too.

Two things that clanged a little fo me: the rhythm of "and rain were merely available with an "on" or "off" switch." That feels like too many words, maybe? I really like "merely available" and the "on or off."

Also, "one could be enough to satisfy" seems a little bit of a retreat, a little blank, in the midst of all the delicious.

But awesome dawsome. More! More.